Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Temptation, thy name is Diet Pepsi

Update... woke up after 11 hours ( 11 hours ! ) of sleep and had a headache. Can you believe that? Anyway it was a pain behind my eyes and my temples.

First thing that had to get done was to buy milk. It has been 3 days since we ran out. The 2nd day my husband made brownies. Brownies! Without milk ! So I wouldn't eat any. We were supposed to get milk the next day but forgot. Then on the 3rd day my friend Tabitha made me homemade chocolate chip cookies. She was bummed, thinking I wasn't going to eat one because I told her I still didn't have any milk. I ate one without the milk though. Mmmm was it good.

So that's why I went to the store today. Walking into Redner's trying to keep my head down because the lights seemed to hurt my eyes. Don't know why. Figured it had something to do with the headache.

And lo and behold what do I see? A big pile of Diet Pepsi, about the size of a small hill ! Temptation! But I stayed away from it.

Walked away from one temptation into another. The Chip Aisle. So I grab 2 different bags of my favorite chips and start towards the checkout, when I see my hubby with a case of Diet Pepsi in his hands.

Unfortunately he already bought it. So now the case sits inside my house tempting me. I still haven't had any, though I feel my resolve will wear thin and I will cave.

 His thoughts on aspartame is, if I have had it in my body for this long and it hasn't effected me than it isn't going. So I should just drink it because I like it.

Diet Pepsi is so hard to replace. There is nothing else out there that tastes just like it without the ingrediant aspartame.

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